Saturday, January 19, 2013

good information from an inspiring author

Margaret Thatcher has called Malloch a "global sherpa." As I skimmed through Malloch's list of accomplishments and involvement in non and for profit organizations, the title seemed accurate. I was intrigued enough to download a free copy of "Doing Virtous Business" from Booksneeze. The book explains how Malloch's Christian faith served as the guiding spiritual principle in business.  This enabled him to pursue enterprise as a life mission.  He discusses specific principles of spiritual enterprise, beginning with the foundation of faith.  I particularly enjoyed the faith, hope,and charity story of the Domino's franchisee, Rumi Verjee. In fact, the specific examples of business owners who maintained spirituality in the market place kept me reading.  The book tends towards textbook prose, or lack of, at times.  As noted by other reviewers, the book can be dry and slow.  And repetitive. However, I,was encouraged by the real life stories of those who made faith-filled choices inmate marketplace.